After yet another debaucherous night out we did the standard end of night run to Steers. We stuffed ourselves in the car and then stuffed our faces with copious amounts of Steers chips and Cream Soda. It was at
this time that my phone rang – a call from my boyfriend in Australia. We
chatted for a bit (although it wasn’t chatting as much as it was wonderful
slurs of rubbish) I don’t remember much after that,
but I suspect I got home unharmed as I woke up the next day alive but missing something...
MY PHONE WAS GONE! Now, I always lose my phone so I am used
to the steps I need to take in order to track it down, however this time I was
terribly hungover and could barely string a sentence together. Mark and I
searched and searched, far and wide, house and car, bathroom and bedroom, nook
and cranny – you name it! I rang up my sister to see if I’d perhaps left it in
her car the night before. She checked, her husband checked, but alas, no
Blackberry Curve was to be found. I decided to shoot over there and supply some
fresh eyes to the scene.
Upon arrival I unlocked my sister’s car and began my search.
I dug and scratched and lifted and pulled and did everything else I could have
done to find that phone, but the BB was nowhere to be seen.
Just then! A crazzzy thought crossed my mind… “Could it have
perhaps….no, surely not! But it might have..hmmmm” Something came over me
making me think that there was a good chance it could have landed in one of the
Steers packets after my phone call with Dennis. I tried to convince myself I
couldn’t have been that stupid, but decided to take a peek in the bins in the
street outside where we’d thrown away our left overs.
Suddenly, a man comes out staring at me inquisitively and
slightly stunned that a young, blonde and (if I do say so myself) very
beautiful girl was scratching through the bin for.
“Are you looking for a phone?” he asks
“YES! I AM! How did you know?” I reply
“Does it have a sort of country ring tone?”
“Well, it’s actually the theme tune to Jackass but
country-ish I guess”
“I have it!” the neighbour cheerfully says
He wondered over to his car and brought out my shiny black
Blackberry! (It was only shiny because it was covered in fried chop residue,
not because it was new or anything)
Now, some people don’t believe in fate or being at the right
place at the right time – but how ‘s that?!
1. The man was obviously hanging around the bin
area when I was calling the phone prompting him to check the bins
2. The rubbish people hadn’t come to take the bins
3. At the very moment I was looking in the bins the
neighbour just happened to be outside (he was just about to leave to go
elsewhere, he could have left two minutes earlier which would have changed everything)
Moral of the story: it is possible to be so stupid as to drop your phone in a chip bag
Warning: the story you heard in this blog should not encourage you to assume that if your phone is lost there is a good chance it is in the bin!
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