Monday, 24 September 2012

mind your (dub) step

The first time I heard dubstep, was in the early hours of the morning. I was confused but enticed by this wobbling sounding beat coming from my flat mates iPod in the kitchen. I drifted in and out of sleep with this wobble bass sound penetrating my ear drums. I liked it. Shortly after my first taste of of this new and exciting music genre, I went to my very first Rocking the Daisies festival and spent most of my time sweating my face off in the drum and bass/ dubstep tent. I'm was officially a fan.

I recently read one of the most ridiculous articles I have read in months (maybe even the most ridiculous one I have read in all my life). It came from - click here for article

Absurd! Anyway, in honour of the awesome-ness of dubstep (and Skrillex) I am posting this video. The only valid thing I have to say if you want to talk 'satanic' is that it sure does make you dance like you're possessed and I like it.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

a random act of madness

The youth of today really over use the word 'random'. Just so we are clear, the definition of random is: "made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision"

After accidently Skyping a friend a message that wasn't for her ("the connection isn't working in this room") she opened up the floor to a two hour game of excellence and random-ness (the proper random). These were our ramblings.

this cheese isnt dancing in the rain
this phone isnt working in the fridge
this mouse isnt working in the harbour
this broom isnt working in the teacup
this hat isnt working in the toilet
the toenail isnt working in the jam jar
this spider isnt working in the trumpet
the hamster isnt working in the tombstone
the banana isnt working in the shark cage
the bracelet is working in the wallet
the vagina isnt working in the cash register
the shoe isnt working in the anchor
the tulip isnt working in the rum bottle
the sunflower isnt working in the toaster
the vaseline isnt working in the bread basket
the hair removal cream isnt working in the pasta
the spinal tap isnt working in the cucumber!
the butternut isnt working in the neck brace
the camel isnt working in the shoe polish
the rat isnt working in the headphones
the kooksister isnt working in the hot water bottle
the stadium isnt working in the dog bowl
the condom isnt working in the keyboard
hopefully the pasta works in the fish wrinkle
the carrot isnt working in the ignition
the phone isnt working in the sock case
the yoghurt isnt working in the binoculars
the soup isnt working in the light bulb
the bandana isnt working in the inside lane
the envelope isnt working in the baby
the water bottle isnt working in the vest
the ad server isnt working in the bikini
the g string isnt working in the hardrive
the windmill isnt working in the lemon tree
the laptop isnt working in the microwave
the niknak isnt working in the turnip
the notepad isnt working in the tulip

All in a days work for partially demented people I guess...

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around my eyes, look into my eyes, you're under

I love being the centre of attention. Which is probably why I was the first person to put my hand up when the hypnotist asked for volunteers. I ran up onto the stage and was the only one there for a while until a couple more people peeled themselves away from their tables and onto the stage. There were about 15 of us that got hypnotised by being told to close our eyes, relax and pretend there was a heavy brick in one hand and a light balloon in the other. Apparently the way one can tell if one is actually hypnotised is if their hands start to drift apart accordingly. Heavy brick hand down and light balloon hand up.

Anyway, I was totally conscious throughout this whole "your one hand is getting heavier and heavier" bit waiting for something to happen but nothing did. I carried on listening to what he was saying, waiting for something to happen but again, nothing did. Eventually I hear him telling some people to go sit back down at their tables. These were the ones who he could tell weren't actually hypnotised. Seeing as I wasn't, I waited for him to prompt me to leave the stage.

"Ladies and gentleman! This is your entertainment for tonight!" (crowd cheers)
"Ummmmm.... what? Hang on hang on!" I say to myself. "I'm not hypnotised"

What must one do in such a situation? I didn't want to embarrass the guy in front of all these people making them think he was a rubbish hypnotist. I also didn't want to leave the stage, because I like it there. So I decided to go with it.

I remember everything we were told to do starting with being asked to play the piano like we were Chuck Berry. He asked us to play with piano with our hands and then feet and then head and then our favourite body part. Yes - I jumped up and started to bump and grind with my favourite body part. The audience were in stitches and I managed to keep a straight face the whole time. The blinding lights hiding the audience faces always helps with that.

It wasn't easy throwing myself across the stage at some times. He told us that when we woke, he would be invisible and all we would see is the object in his hand. So when he came out with an ostrich puppet, pram and ghost sheet I had to join in with the others and pretend to be scared. When he touched my shoulder and said "sleep" I had to dramatically drop my head on the person next to me as if he had control of me. That was kinda hard not to laugh at. I kept thinking to myself "what the hell am I doing?"

He told us to see a big movie screen out in the audience with a sad then happy then action and then blue movie playing. That was great.  I thought it would be good to look very excited when the blue movie came on when everyone else was looking very embarrassed.

The very last thing he told us to do is that when we went back to our seats after the show he would say a word and it would make us (without being able to stop it) shout "I DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES!". When the show was over I went back to my seat and eventually he said the word... All the others shouted "I DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES!" except me. Seeing as I was the star of the show (hair flick hair flick) everyone instantly looked at me. I couldn't break character now so I joined in chant.

No one after the show believed me when I said I wasn't hypnotised. How could anyone in their right mind pretend to be hypnotised and do all the things we were told to do in a conscious state? I guess if you read my other blog posts that question is answered.