Wednesday 18 July 2012

analysing anal

One of the many things I learned living in Buenos Aires was that the men over there are big on anal. You're not even in bed for five minutes and they're lifting you up or turning you around to stick your naught. I'm all for being called 'baby' in bed, but when a man picks you up by the ankles as if he's about to change your nappy, I do get a bit nervous. I can't do it. I just cannot do it. My anus just isn't built for that kind of action. It is simply built for one way traffic only. It's where you do your poo-poos. Having said all this, I do have utmost respect for people who can take it up the bottom. To endure the pain is quite something - so big up to you if have the balls (or bum) to go through with it.

I would love to meet the very first man to stick his willy in a bottom. I would love to know what drove him to get there. Was he gay and had no other choice? Was he straight and bored of the fanny? Was he an alpha male wanting to dominate the female body? I guess I'll never know... I can however ask the people of today what they think about it...

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