Monday 23 July 2012

dial 0800 - idiot

I spend far too much time on the internet, so for about 82.3% of my day I am exposed to adverts.
You can't help but notice the naked lady ones that pop up on the sides asking you to call them because they have been naughty and what not. I always wonder about the type of people that actually click them thinking they will get to speak to the 'real' girl on the ad. I figured the likes of these people...

 The ads

This is not a 'real' Russian woman. She doesn't even look Russian. She looks Swedish if anything. This is a real Russian woman.

ummmm...I'm pretty sure everyone can say 'no'. You just round your lips and push out an 'n' for Nancy and an 'o' for oh shit you got a big ass! If you can't say it, write it.

I can't say I have met anyone who has said they are in a 'Dream Marriage' so again, false advertising.

Girls who look like this aren't usually single.

Girls like this are

She reminds me of the squirrel from 'Sword in the Stone'

I bet the guy who took to this one thought "Dangit! I better get me a suit"

 Now isn't this lovely? A calm and classy looking lady with flawless skin and a blank stare...


What you see...

  What you get...

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